
Sensi Today

Newsletter n°05


A sustainable 2018? Here's a preview of what's to come

Sustainable wine all the way? A trend. There’s no doubt that Italian wine is riding the “green” wave, not tied to marketing plans or communication campaigns as it may have been the custom of the past, or the emulation of the competition. Today it appears that the wine-making world is ready to offer its contribution on a topic as important as that of safeguarding our planet. Environmental themes and eco-sustainability are held in high regards by the sector, especially by the companies led by the new generations.

Sustainability, bio-diversity protection, quality, promotion of the territory are all characteristics that if once only sporadically present are today more and more widespread as factors playing a role in increasing the competitiveness of wineries, territories and the communities linked to them. It seems that the trend of the companies investing in a more ethical and environmentally-friend management has become a foundation both due to personal beliefs and new business aspects. There is a new and alternative business and manufacturing model that is no longer based on the exclusive search for maximum profit in the shortest time possible, but, on the contrary, based on meeting the corporate needs through a form of sustainability that, in addition to being financial, is also ethical and social and where the future of the planet and of the new generations becomes a fundamental element.

It is not by chance, in fact, that for example IWRS and Wine Intelligence introduced the drivers that, according to their respective consultants, will influence the market the most in the new year. These factors include, in fact, sustainability that, however, starts from the consumers: “Consumers’ awareness for sustainability and reduction of waste will be the driving force that will push the wine sector to invest in that direction. Alternative packaging will become increasingly sought after: on the one hand, in fact, the commercialization of bag-in-box wines will grow significantly and on the other hand smaller and single-dose packaging will gain popularity. And finally, the request for organic wine, cultivated sustainably, will increase even more.”

Sources: Ais, Winenews, Uiv

Sensi 2018 sempre più green

Interview to Massimo Sensi – The Green wines

Sensi’s “Green” line is born from an approach towards eco-sustainability, awareness, energy savings and environmental impact. Three red wines created with the intent of respecting the environment and going back to our roots. This is how the organic Chianti Campoluce, Ninfato, without added sulphites, and Chianti Superiore Vegante, vegan certified are born.

How did you get the idea to follow the “green” path for your wines?
There are several reasons why I chose to undertake a “green” path:
First of all, I followed my personal desire to return to our roots. As any company of tradition worthy of such name, looking at the past helps to recover important information at times forgotten. One of the main things that one learns, for example, is that agricultural products, and wine among them, were created from cultivations without the use of pesticides, sulphites and other substances used to protect the ripening of the fruit and bottled product. Even without them, it was possible to introduce high quality wines.
Then, my decision is based on greater respect for the environment. Even if the environment is affected by other sources of pollution, there’s no doubt that setting a good example is, first of all, a fact that leads to a domino effect, which, then, thanks to modern communication, can definitely and positively change global awareness, giving life to a virtuous circle.
Finally, I felt the need to reduce the presence of allergens in the final product: allergies in the modern world are on the rise and this is also due to nutrition. Thus, to help people who suffer from the specific intolerance to SO2, for example, this approach is an important achievement and a starting point for food quality and wellness.

What are the characteristics of the company’s three green wines?
Campoluce is made with grapes grown without pesticides and its name derives from “light in the fields”, meaning attention to nature, but also the presence of fireflies in the field, that demonstrates the purity of the environment.
Ninfato is produced with Sangiovese grapes from selected clones in our vineyard and fermented at controlled temperatures even during the next phases without the addition of sulphites. Its name derives from Ninfa del Corbezolo, a rare species of butterfly that inhabits Tuscany and is able to suck the juice from the vineyard grapes, highlighting the purity of the grapes.
Vegante, certified vegan, is created without using any fining agents that derive from fish gelatin, egg white, and of course this is what gives it its name.

But what does vegan wine mean exactly?
Vegan certified wines do not use substances of animal origin for example casein and albumin which are usually used in traditional wine making. Vegante is born from my curiosity towards food philosophies that have developed their own identity over the past two decades. The Vegan philosophy is increasingly more popular and embraced by a growing number of consumers that, despite often very personal interpretations, demonstrate an increasing attention not only to the quality of taste, but the ethics of the product.

Sensi Vini green

Sensi presents its organic wines in Rome

A successful, original event, journalists, workers and bloggers participate in “le mani in pasta!”

With great success and enthusiasm, last Tuesday in Rome saw the presentation of the “Linea Green” of Sensi Vini. The original event was held at the cooking academy Coquis, one of the most important cooking schools in the Lazio region, sponsored by the starred chef Angelo Troiani. For the occasion, the communication agency Flavour-Coach invited journalists and bloggers to participate in “le mani in pasta” for a completely green cooking course! Three organic wines for three vegan recipes. For each one of the three wines being tasted a custom-designed recipe was created, here are the pairings:

the Chianti bio Campoluce with the gnocchi of red turnips, cauliflower, saba and almonds, was a successful combination thanks to the contrast between the freshness of the wine and the body of the gnocco, and thanks to the harmony of the fragrance of the wine and dish and for the “bridge”created from the cooked must used for the preparation;
The Vegante with the delicious chickpeas burger with soya mayonnaise, colored chips, and eggplant bacon, an obviously vegan dish perfectly paired with the wine thanks to the shared fragrances of underbrush and a final balance;
The Ninfato with cream of cicerchia and puffed tapioca chips for a combination played on delicacy.

A original and involving event that has put to hard work the “alumni”: after a few minutes the competition started and after listening carefully to the chef’s words and tasting the wines, they launched into a real cooking contest to find the perfect pairing. The winners? Campoluce, Vegante and Ninfato that demonstrated character and all three arrived at the podium.

We thank all the participants and stay tuned because we will see more great ones with the Sensi Vini events.

Here are our green tags! #futureisgreen #sensiorganicwines #sensivini #sensi1890 #sensiviniitalia #sensifamilyofwinemakers #vegantesensivini #ninfatosenzasolfitisensi #campolucechiantibiosensi #18ksensivini #18krosesensivini #sparklingsensi #futureisgreen

Sensi LineaGreen


Chianti Superiore DOCG vegano e biologico

Vegante is produced without the use of products of animal origin, and features a green packaging that uses environmentally friendly materials, such as the cap made from derivatives of sugar cane and the label made with recycled paper and printed with environmentally friendly inks.

It is 90% produced from Sangiovese and Canaiolo grapes, with a remainder of Trebbiano and Malvasia. Of a delicate red ruby color, fruity and floral on the nose. Cherry, violet and marasca on a background of brushwood. The elegance to the nose matches the elegance to the palate in a perfect balance between structure and acidity and a long lasting end boasting fruity, spicy and balsamic notes.

Sensi Vegante

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