Sensi Today
Newsletter n°14
Sensi @ Prowein / 17-19 March 2019
Sensi Vini is pleased to invite you to Prowein, Düsseldorf, at its booth at Halle 15 stand D01 to taste a preview of the new vintage wines by Fattoria di Calappiano along with Sensi’s own wines recently awarded at the Prague Wine Trophy 2018:
● Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2011 Prague Premium Gold
● Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG 2014 Prague Premium Gold
● Sangiovese Anniversary IGT Toscana 2015 Prague Gold
● Chianti Riserva DOCG 2014 Prague Gold
● Pinot Noir Rosé IGT 18K Gold Brut 2016 Prague Silver
● Prosecco DOC 18K Gold Brut Prague Gold

This year, for the first time, we will welcome you at a new and private stand to enjoy a tasting preview of our wines: the bubbles of the 18K sparkling line, the Vinciano wine recently judged among the best tasting wines at the preview of Chianti in Florence and especially the Collegonzi, cru di Sangiovese di Calappiano, awarded this year by Gambero Rosso, Doctor Wine by Daniele Cernilli and Luca Maroni.
Looking forward to meeting you in Düsseldorf, here you can find a few pictures of the Sony Pictures Classics Oscars Gala in Los Angeles of which Sensi Vini was one of the main sponsors! In honor of academy award nominee Glenn Close, the cast of Capernaum and of Never Look Away by Sony Picture Classics, the Oscar nominees participated to a gala dinner organized ad hoc by STK Los Angeles, tasting our wines!
Here are a few pictures of the evening:

And after the Oscars… We look forward to seeing you in Düsseldorf at Prowein from March 17 to March 19!
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